What is Self care?

A wise woman named Eleanor Brownn once said, Self care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Self care means, care for oneself.

Well, I don't think anyone can be more specific than that, yes?

Self care is a way of living. You cannot do this self care thing for one day and then drop it. Self-care is always a work in progress. It is a way of living one must learn to incorporate into their lifestyle. There will be ample opportunities to throw it out of the window. Trust me. We are not perfect. But the key is to recharge, get back to it, and the will to make up for the lost time. Been there done that. Hence, a work in progress.

Self-care is not some fancy word everyone gush about in women empowerment meetings and such. It is a lifestyle that all should practice for the ultimate wellness of mind, body, and soul. Now if you are a Mom with a lot on your plate and hardly any time to take deep breaths and relax, guess what? Your need for Self-care has become tenfold crucial.

In this course, I teach you to create a new found love for self care . I will help you understand why self care is necessary, and make you realize what you were missing out all along. I am also taking the liberty to make a plan for you to follow this path of self development and flourish mentally and spiritually while doing so.

I will take you on a 7 day trip where we discover and learn more about caring for yourself. How easy it is and how much difference it can make on all levels of your life. I will share my ideas, I welcome to share yours, tools, printables and finally one of my ebooks so by the end of this journey, you will be more than ready to continue along in this path. And there is no going back.

There is beauty in unapologetically loving yourself. And let me remind you friends, self care is not selfish. It is our birthright. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.


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